Traditional silicone sprays or lubricants contain petroleum ingredients. However, the o-rings and rubber seals used in airsoft are also a composition of petroleum products. So over time there is a negative chemical reaction between the silicone lubricant and the o-rings or seals. The silicone dissolves and absorbs the petroleum element inside the o-rings, making them weak, deform and finally break down. APS have come up with the solution, they have made an advanced lubricant called Seal Lube 6000, or as we like to call it, 'Magic Goop'!
This magic goop is made from 100% synthetic lubricants so it does not contain any distilled petroleum that could harm parts in your gun. The 2ml gel is convenient for carrying and will last ages. There is no other product quite like it. It does wonders for lubricating, preserving and replenishing o-rings. Our tech guys love the stuff, which is high praise indeed.
- Zero One is the Official UK Distributor of APS
Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , BB Gun, Pellet, Softair, Airsoft, Lubricant, Magic Goop, Maintenance, Paintball, , APS, Seal, Lube, 6000, Gel, Pack, of, 2 |