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Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Dark Earth) - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

Was: £439.99
ON SALE:  £375.00
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Product ID: 5375
SKU: 176097
Tokyo Marui
Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5
Average Rating 5/5 (3)

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Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , Airsoft, Ar-15, Ar15, Automatic, Bb Gun, Electric, Gun, M16, Next Gen, Next-gen, Nextgen, Ngrs, Pellet, Pro, Pro-line, Proline, Rifles, Sale, Softair, Tm, Tokyo, Marui, Next-Gen, Recoil, AEG, M4, CQB-R, Dark, Earth
Pro Tips...
Requires Marui SOPMOD Battery (4836) and Marui SOPMOD Charging Adapter (4757).
AEG BlowbackNiMH20mm RailsFront SightRear SightRIS GripStock - Retractable
Key Features...
  • Pro Line Series
  • Recoil Engine
  • On sale now! Reduced by 15% (£64.99) from the original retail price of £439.99
Stats & Vitals...
What's in the box...
Rifle82rds100rdsBB LoaderCleaning RodManual
  • Battery Adaptor
  • Sight Adjustment Tool

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

Tokyo Marui 8.4v 1300mAh NiMH Battery for Marui SOPMOD Crane Stocks
Tokyo Marui 8.4v 1300mAh NiMH Battery for Marui SOPMOD Crane Stocks
ON SALE  £38.00
ZO Blitz BB 0.20g 5000rds (White)
ZO Blitz BB 0.20g 5000rds (White)
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 430rds
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 430rds
ON SALE  £25.00
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 82rds
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 82rds
ON SALE  £18.00
Tokyo Marui Pro Dot Sight
Tokyo Marui Pro Dot Sight
Tokyo Marui Pro Silencer (Short Type)
Tokyo Marui Pro Silencer (Short Type)
ZO Blitz Extendable Speedloader 1500-2500rds
ZO Blitz Extendable Speedloader 1500-2500rds
ZO MA3 Multi-Mission Sling (Coyote Brown)
ZO MA3 Multi-Mission Sling (Coyote Brown)

Reviewed by Barry on 09/03/2016
Reviewed by Chris on 02/03/2013
Had a go of my friends and was instantly amazed by it, which resulted in me getting into airsoft and getting one. Build quality and finish is fantastic. The recoile on it is great and gives it a very nice crisp sound when firered. The 80rd sopmod mages are defiantly the ones to use as when the last round is fired, the bolt locks back so you know when your empty, simply slap in a full mag, hit the bolt release catch and back in fireing. Would highly recommend upgrading the standard 8.6v 1300mah battery. Is a £25 upgrade but well worth it. The gun it\'s self shoots straight out of the box at 300fps but with a few upgrades can easily be improved but its the accuracy that is the key factor with this, hitting 50meter with ease. Hope you find this review helpfull as cant say enough good things about this marui m4 other that ITS AWSOME!!!!!!!
Reviewed by Scott on 22/07/2010
One word to describe this gun. Amazing. Every little detail I look at on the gun is brilliant. The recoil engine inside it really does stand out form any other gun, that along with the sound it makes really does deliver a fantastic experience when firing. I can only find ONE downside to this gun and its the battery size. At 1300mAh it is small compared to some batteries and wont last all day, so I highly recommend buying addition SOPMOD batteries for it. But i really do love the simplicity of changing the battery. Although i didnt read the instruction it did take me ten minutes to figure out how to get the end of the stock off. Im sure in time Tokyo Marui will make a stronger battery and i am really looking forward to when they do. This gun is worth every penny, trust me I have spent a few.

AirsoftAr-15Ar15AutomaticBb GunElectricGunM16Next GenNext-genNextgenNgrsPelletProPro-lineProlineRiflesSaleSoftairTmTokyoMaruiNext-GenRecoilAEGM4CQB-RDarkEarth
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Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Black)
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Dark Earth)
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Dark Earth)

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