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Tokyo Marui Spring VSR-10 Pro Sniper (Tan) - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

Tokyo Marui Spring VSR-10 Pro Sniper (Tan) - Detail Image 1 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft
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Product ID: 1609
SKU: 24297
Tokyo Marui
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If you've been airsofting for more than a year you probably already know everything there is to know about this rifle. It is, like it's brother the G-Spec, the most iconic sniper rifle platform out there and if you've ever thought about being a sniper it's the go to choice. It's modelled after the Remington M700 but with every part being thought about and designed for use in airsoft. The magazine release is a little button under the body that when pressed drops the magazine into your hand, and a newly inserted magazine leaves your hand in the right position ready to fire. The hop adjustment lever can be reached by your thumb whilst you're on target for those on-the-fly adjustments with distinctive clicks between adjustment. The smooth sleek body and flush magazine allow you to poke the gun out of long grass or bushes for unobstructed shooting and most importantly move out without snagging on your surroundings. The rifle is pretty quiet out of the box, but if you're wanting to make it as quiet as it's younger brother the G-Spec, you can get an adaptor to allow it to take a suppressor (or tracer unit). If you're looking to attach an optic you will need to purchase a separate rail attachment. Out of the box the rifle shoots ~300FPS making it easy to cock and use all day. Don't let the low FPS put you off though, this rifle will be able to reach out to 40 - 50 meters with some pretty impressive consistency but if you are always trying to pick off moving targets why not take a look at one of our upgrade packages for this gun.
Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , Airsoft, Bb Gun, Bolt Action, Boltie, Fde, Pellet, Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Snipers, Snipers Rifle, Softair, Spring Sniper Rifle, Tm, Vsr10, , Tokyo, Marui, Spring, VSR-10, Pro, Sniper, Tan
SpringBolt ActionFront SightRear SightStock - Fixed
Stats & Vitals...
  • Velocity Feet Per Second (FPS): 280 (Average, across 10 Test Shots)
  • Length: 1080mm
  • Weight (with Magazine): 1900g
  • Inner Barrel Length: 430mm
What's in the box...
Rifle30rds100rdsCleaning RodManual

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

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AirsoftBb GunBolt ActionBoltieFdePelletRifleSniper RifleSnipersSnipers RifleSoftairSpring Sniper RifleTmVsr10TokyoMaruiSpringVSR-10ProSniperTan
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Tokyo Marui Spring VSR-10 Pro Sniper
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