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Amomax Rigid Polymer Universal Holster Left Handed (Dark Earth) - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

Amomax Rigid Polymer Universal Holster Left Handed (Dark Earth) - Detail Image 1 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft
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Product ID: 14136
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Not yet reviewed
The Amomax Universal Holster is a wonderful addition to the collection of any airsofter that loves their pistols. Its adjustable width allows for the retention of almost any Airsoft pistol on the market safely and securely with its trigger guard locking mechanism. To release your sidearm simply push the lever and pull out your pistol!

The size is adjusted via 2 hex key screws located at the top of the holster that when loosened split it down the middle giving you alot of freedom. It is compatible with all of Amomax's attachment options, MOLLE, Paddle (Included), Belt Clip and Drop leg.
Its ability to fit over 80 different handguns makes it a very economical purchase for those with multiple pistols.
Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , .40, .45, 17, 19, 19x, 21, 24/7, 26, 3", 34, 4", 42, 43, 5", 75, 75b, 92, 92a1, 92fs, 96, 840, 1911, 96fs, 9mm, Airsoft, American 9mm, Amomax, Beretta, Bersa Thunr 9, Blu, ing Hi Power, Caracal Enhanced F, Cm127, Cw45, Cytac, Cz, Eaa Witness, Fn, Fn509, Fnh-45, Fnx-45, G2c, Gen 5, Gen4, Gtp9, Hi Capa, Hi Point C9, Holster, Keltec, Khar, Locking, M&p, M&p Compact, M&p Shield, M17, M2.0, M9, M9-a1, P07, P09, P10c, P226, P320, P320sc, P938, P99qa, Pf9, Pistol, Pt100, Pt111, Pt140, Pt145, Pt709, Pt809, Pt92, Px4, Rigid, Ruger, Rugged, Serpa, Sig, Smith & Wesson, Sp-01, Sp2022, Springfield, Sr9, Steyr, T33, Taurus, Tokarov, Universal, Wather, Xd, X, Xdm, Xds, DE, FDE, Tan, Brown, , Polymer, Left, Handed, Dark, Earth
Key Features...
  • Rugged Polymer Construction
  • 360 Degree Rotation
  • Will Fit:
  • Action Army - AAP01
  • APS - XTP Series
  • ASG - SP-01 Shadow, Steyr L9-A2
  • AW Customs - HX (Except HX21), NE, VX, DS, BL, RD, CM, ST, AP, SW, UT, TB & AU Series
  • CYMA - CM127 & CM128
  • EMG - BLU, SAI Utility, Hi-Capa
  • G&G - GPM92, GPM1911, GTP9, Piranha Series MK1
  • HFC - HG 182, 185, 190
  • ICS - Alpha, PRS, SAR9, XPD, XAE
  • Novritsch - SSX-23
  • KJW - KP 16/17, KP09, KP13, SP01, Shadow 2, P09 & M9
  • KSC - CZ75, G17/G18C/G19/G26/G34, M1911A1, M9A1, M92F, MK23 & P226
  • KWC - 24/7, 92FS, K17, K18, K40, K75 & SP226
  • POSEIDON - EVO 1 P17/P18/P19, EVO 2 P17/P18/P34/P35 & Shark 18
  • RWA - Custom Nighthawk
  • STTI - ST8 Heavy Weight
  • TM - Hi-Capa, G17/19/34, M9 Series, FNX45, P226 Series & MK23
  • UMAREX (VFC) - G17/19/19X/34, VP9 & PPQ M2
  • WE - Hi-Capa, F17, G Series, M9 Series, F Series & M45
What's in the box...
  • Amomax Rigid Polymer Universal Holster Left Handed (FDE)

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

.40.45171919x2124/7263"344"42435"7575b9292a192fs96840191196fs9mmAirsoftAmerican 9mmAmomaxBerettaBersa Thunr 9Bluing Hi PowerCaracal Enhanced FCm127Cw45CytacCzEaa WitnessFnFn509Fnh-45Fnx-45G2cGen 5Gen4Gtp9Hi CapaHi Point C9HolsterKeltecKharLockingM&pM&p CompactM&p ShieldM17M2.0M9M9-a1P07P09P10cP226P320P320scP938P99qaPf9PistolPt100Pt111Pt140Pt145Pt709Pt809Pt92Px4RigidRugerRuggedSerpaSigSmith & WessonSp-01Sp2022SpringfieldSr9SteyrT33TaurusTokarovUniversalWatherXdXdmXdsDEFDETanBrownPolymerLeftHandedDarkEarth
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