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CYMA AEP CM126 M92F (Tan) - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

CYMA AEP CM126 M92F (Tan) - Detail Image 1 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft
£69.95 Sorry, currently sold out
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Product ID: 14638
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The CYMA AEP CM126 M92F is an easy to use (and easy to conceal) Pistol and as such, makes it an ideal backup weapon for Snipers. As well as the expected Semi Auto Mode, it also features a Full Auto Mode which comes in especially useful when your position becomes compromised and you need to lay down some fire for a quick escape!

Another nice feature is the fact that as it's Non-Blowback, it's a lot quieter than it's Gas Blowback equivalent, meaning sneaky, stealthy takedowns are totally do-able.The Aluminium Top Slide adds a reassuring weight to the Pistol, whilst the slim nature of the Magazine means multiple mags wont take up much space in your kit.
Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , Aep, Beretta, Electric, Fde, Handgun, M92, Pistol, , CYMA, AEP, CM126, M92F, Tan
Tech Tips...
As with AEG's, Electric Pistols (AEP's) don't come with Chargers and due to their smaller capacity, AEP batteries should only be charged at 0.2Amps. We sell a huge variety of Charger's, so to keep things simple for you, we recommend the IMAX Professional Charger.
Front SightRear Sight
Key Features...
  • Non-Blowback
  • Battery Powered
  • Semi & Full Auto Firing Modes
  • Adjustable Hop Up
  • Aluminium Top Slide
Stats & Vitals...
Compatible With...
What's in the box...
  • CYMA AEP CM126 M92F (Tan)
  • Charging Adaptor

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

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