What do you get the airsofter that already has everything? Or worse still, what do you get an airsofter if you have no idea what airsoft even is!? Well how about a gift voucher for a day's play at Ground Zero Airsoft, the south's premiere airsoft venue, and home of the National Airsoft Festival. Any player will be pleased as punch to receive a free game voucher, helping to cut down the costs of their favourite hobby/sport. Whether they are a regular local player, or someone looking to try out a special new venue that's a little further afield, this is the perfect gift.
Our gift vouchers are presented on professional printed gift cards, mounted on quality glossy card and placed in a crisp matt black envelope, ready for posting, which is completely free of charge within the UK. This voucher is for one standard day's free play, on a regular walk-on skirmish day, and excludes food or any special/hire fees. Pre-booking is not required. Simply hand it over at player registration on the day to receive free entry.
For more information about Ground Zero, such as game dates and contact numbers, check out the website: www.groundzeroairsoft.com. Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , Airsoft, Bb Gun, Softair, Pellet, Card, Cards, Present, Skirmish, Game, , Ground, Zero, Gift, Voucher, for, Adult, Walk-On