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Tokyo Marui Gas M870 Breacher Shotgun - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

Was: £269.99
ON SALE:  £235.00
Great stock quantity
in stock for delivery
Product ID: 3151
SKU: 63030
Tokyo Marui
Rated 4/5Rated 4/5Rated 4/5Rated 4/5Rated 4/5
Average Rating 4/5 (2)

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Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , Airsoft, Bb Gun, Metal, Pellet, Pump-action, Sale, Shotgun, Softair, Tm, Tri-shot, Tokyo, Marui, Gas, M870, Breacher
GAS20mm Rail (Option)
Key Features...
  • Selectable 3 or 6 Round Firing Mode
  • On sale now! Reduced by 13% (£34.99) from the original retail price of £269.99
Stats & Vitals...
  • Velocity Feet Per Second (FPS): 260 (Average, across 10 Test Shots)
  • Rounds Per Minute (RPM): Tri-Shot / Six-Shot
  • Length: 515mm
  • Gas Type: Abbey Predator Gas 144a
  • Weight (with Magazine): 2350g
  • Inner Barrel Length: 197mm
What's in the box...
Shotgun30rds100rdsCleaning RodManual

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

Tokyo Marui Gas Tank for M870 Breacher
Tokyo Marui Gas Tank for M870 Breacher
ON SALE  £22.50
Tokyo Marui Shotgun Shells (2x 30rds) (Red)
Tokyo Marui Shotgun Shells (2x 30rds) (Red)
Tokyo Marui Shotgun Shells (2x 30rds) (White)
Tokyo Marui Shotgun Shells (2x 30rds) (White)
ZO Blitz BB 0.20g 5000rds (White)
ZO Blitz BB 0.20g 5000rds (White)
Abbey Silicone Gun Oil 35 Aerosol 150ml
Abbey Silicone Gun Oil 35 Aerosol 150ml
Abbey Predator Gas 144a Maintenance
Abbey Predator Gas 144a Maintenance
Viper Single Point Bungee Sling (Black)
Viper Single Point Bungee Sling (Black)
Viper MOLLE Shotgun Shell Holder (Black)
Viper MOLLE Shotgun Shell Holder (Black)
Mechanix Original Gloves (Covert Black) - Size Medium
Mechanix Original Gloves (Covert Black) - Size Medium
ZO 20mm KeyMod Nylon Fibre Handguard KMR for M4
ZO 20mm KeyMod Nylon Fibre Handguard KMR for M4
ZO G43 3x Flip-To-Side Magnifier with Hard Case (Dark Earth)
ZO G43 3x Flip-To-Side Magnifier with Hard Case (Dark Earth)
ZO Tactical Weapon Light with Strobe (Black)
ZO Tactical Weapon Light with Strobe (Black)

Reviewed by Chloe on 23/05/2017
Chloe, Southampton I no doubt enjoy using this shotgun. It looks and feels sturdy and is easy for me to pump unlike a springer shotgun I bought a while back. However the gas mags really let it down so much I knock 2 stars off it for pretty much making it unusable. One of my gas mags started leaking so I bought another, only for it to leak as well. Although a fixable problem with D.I.Y I think it is a major flaw in it's design considering the price you buy it at. Oh, you can cock it with one hand from the pump to load it. Making it one sweet ass shotgun to use. I recommend buying it despite its mag problems.
Reviewed by nick on 24/09/2016
Amazing fun and short. Very easy to pump unlike some cheaper springers. Slam fire is also nice. But being able to fire 6 bbs at once is where it's at for me 😉

AirsoftBb GunMetalPelletPump-actionSaleShotgunSoftairTmTri-shotTokyoMaruiGasM870Breacher
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Tokyo Marui Gas M870 Breacher Shotgun
Tokyo Marui Gas M870 Breacher Shotgun
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Tokyo Marui Gas M870 Tactical Shotgun

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