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Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Black) - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

Was: £429.99
ON SALE:  £375.00
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Product ID: 5374
SKU: 176080
Tokyo Marui
Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5
Average Rating 5/5 (2)

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Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , Airsoft, Ar-15, Ar15, Automatic, Bb Gun, Electric, Gun, M16, Next Gen, Next-gen, Nextgen, Ngrs, Pellet, Pro, Pro-line, Proline, Rifles, Sale, Softair, Tm, Tokyo, Marui, Next-Gen, Recoil, AEG, M4, CQB-R, Black
Pro Tips...
Requires Marui SOPMOD Battery (4836) and Marui SOPMOD Charging Adapter (4757).
AEG BlowbackNiMH20mm RailsFront SightRear SightRIS GripStock - Retractable
Key Features...
  • Pro Line Series
  • Recoil Engine
  • On sale now! Reduced by 13% (£54.99) from the original retail price of £429.99
Stats & Vitals...
What's in the box...
Rifle82rds100rdsBB LoaderCleaning RodManual
  • Sight Adjustment Tool
  • Battery Adaptor

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

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Tokyo Marui 8.4v 1300mAh NiMH Battery for Marui SOPMOD Crane Stocks
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ZO Blitz BB 0.20g 5000rds (White)
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 430rds
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 430rds
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Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 82rds
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG Mag for M4 82rds
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ZO PVC Velcro Patch "Stop Covid" (White)
ZO PVC Velcro Patch "Stop Covid" (White)

Reviewed by Steven on 29/05/2020
I have owned this rifle for about a year now. There isn't a great deal more I can say other than PERFECTION. TM weapon systems are known for being top tier, and they sure did deliver with this. The full metal on the weapon (except the stock) goes it a very realistic weight, while giving it no opportunity to wobble. The most sturdy rifle I have laid my hands on. As this is a CQB-R, you would expect that this would only be good for small sites and close engagements, however I used this at GZ Woodland and this thing outshoots most, if not all other AEG's in the field. This has turned so many heads who shooting. The Recoil is an absolute dream! It really does give you the feeling that you're the Sh*t, and the sound is very intimidating. Out of the box it fires at 300FPS with 0.2g which was already performing remarkably, however I got the techs at Zeroone to boost this up to 350 because I'm power hungry, what can I say :p Im confident that this will compete with Some DMR's you see on the field. I have seen the SOPMOD battery get a lot of stick in reviews, and honestly I'm not entirely sure why. The battery is more than capable to get me through a full days airsofting, without any performance decrease, and consider that this poor battery has to power both an upgraded spring, and the recoil spring too. It holds its own very well. However i am considering trying a lipo conversion, b it really doesn't need it. There really isn't a bad word I can say about this weapon. I guess the price tag is high, but for the performance you're getting, its totally worth it. I will keep this weapon until I die. Hope this was insightful.
Reviewed by James on 03/05/2016
First of all I just want to say WOW !! This gun is amazing !! I received my gun a few weeks ago and I've now used it twice in the field. It's true what they say, tm products are legendary! It shoots straight as a button without any hop (I play cqb so not shot it at massive distances) and has just the right amount of recoil to put a massive smile on your face without messing your aim up. I got some upgrades with mine- ps90 Spring, tight bore barrel and a lipo conversion. This brought it in a 348 fps (using 0.2g bb's). The Wizards at Zeroone did an amazing job ! Although the upgrades are not necessary I would highly recommend the lipo conversion. I didn't have the sopmod battery but everything I have read suggest they're pants ! One thing Zeroone doesn't do is tell you (unless you ask) that they do an upgraded sopmod battery, but this is £60. Or a much cheaper option of a lipo conversion for about £15 + the price of the battery (about £16) (this will stop the stock being all the way in so if you're a small player I'd go for the sopmod). Although the lipo in my opinion is this best thing to do. Then there is the noise this gun produces, unlike the usual sewing machine noise you get from a aeg this gun sounds the business and defiantly turns heads ! This gun isn't cheap at all but if you're looking for a preium gun with very little wobble and a smile making factory built in then I'd HIGHLY recommend this gun 👍🏻

AirsoftAr-15Ar15AutomaticBb GunElectricGunM16Next GenNext-genNextgenNgrsPelletProPro-lineProlineRiflesSaleSoftairTmTokyoMaruiNext-GenRecoilAEGM4CQB-RBlack
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Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Black)
Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Black)
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Tokyo Marui Next-Gen Recoil AEG M4 CQB-R (Dark Earth)

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