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ZO Tesla Battery 7.4v 1500mAh 25C LiPo for PEQ - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

ZO Tesla Battery 7.4v 1500mAh 25C LiPo for PEQ - Detail Image 1 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft ZO Tesla Battery 7.4v 1500mAh 25C LiPo for PEQ - Detail Image 20 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft Zero One is the Official UK Distributor of Zero One Tesla
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& available from the site shop at the next Ground Zero game.
Product ID: 16102
Zero One Tesla
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We will beat the price on like for like products
We will beat the price on any like-for-like product with the Zero One Tesla range.
Get a quality, high end airsoft battery at the best price - always!
  • Zero One is the Official UK Distributor of Zero One Tesla

Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , 01, Airsoft, Bb Gun, Li-po, Lithium Polymer, Mini Tamiya, One, Pellet, Rechargeable, Softair, Tesla, Zero, Zero One, Zeroone, Zoa, LiPo, Battery, 7.4v, 1500mah, PEQ, fits, unit, battery box, laser box, , ZO, 1500mAh, 25C, for
We recommend using standard NiMH airsoft batteries whenever possible. We highly suggest for everyone's safety that a protective module is fitted in conjunction with this battery.

Battery Safety: Never charge unattended. We recommend using a battery bag for charging, storage and transport of your batteries. Ensure you charge your battery on the correct setting, using a suitably correct charger for the type of battery. If in doubt, always ask!
Key Features...
  • Lithium Polymer
  • 7.4v
  • 1500mAh
  • 25C
  • Dimensions: 17mm x 35mm x 75mm
  • Requires Specialist LiPo Charger
  • If you let this battery fully discharge (go flat) it will no longer work.
  • There is no warranty support provided unless used in conjunction with a protective module.
  • Rechargeable
• You must balance charge this battery with a Lithium (LiPo / Li-Ion) specific charger, NOT an NiMH charger, as this will cause the battery to catch fire.
• We recommend you charge this battery at or below 1.2A (1200mAh).
• For your safety, we recommend using a fire-resistant charging bag whilst charging this battery.
• DO NOT charge this battery unattended, or overnight. Ideally charge it somewhere safe, on a non-flammable surface.
• Any damage to this battery, such as an impact, puncture, bending or crushing may result in fire.
• Lithium batteries contain chemicals which are highly combustable and can not be extinguished with water. The battery will continue to burn until it has entirely combusted itself.
• This is a consumable product. If, over time, you notice any swelling of this battery, discontinue use immediately and dispose of safely.
• Always check all wires on the battery and gun for damage. A short circuit will also cause fire and or/explosion.
• If you have any questions on how to use, charge or store your batteries safely, please ask us first.

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

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01AirsoftBb GunLi-poLithium PolymerMini TamiyaOnePelletRechargeableSoftairTeslaZeroZero OneZerooneZoaLiPoBattery7.4v1500mahPEQfitsunitbattery boxlaser boxZO1500mAh25C
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