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ZO Blitz Bio BB Tracer 0.20g 1000rds (Green Glow) - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

ZO Blitz Bio BB Tracer 0.20g 1000rds (Green Glow) - Detail Image 1 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft Zero One is the Official UK Distributor of Zero One Blitz
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Product ID: 9143
Zero One Blitz
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We will beat the price on like for like products
We will smash the price on any like-for-like product with the Zero One Blitz range.
Get quality, high end airsoft bbs at the best price - always!
Zero One's Blitz BB series is based on 20 years experience in the airsoft industry. We've developed and worked on a BB formula that performs perfectly in pretty much every make and model of airsoft gun available.

We've seen many different makes of BB. Some good, some bad. Using our expertise we've combined all the best features of a BB that come together to make one perfect BB - the ultimate spherical ammunition for your airsoft gun.

We've chosen a factory that enforces a strict quality control process throughout manufacturing. At each stage, our Blitz BBs are checked and tested; through the plastic injection process, grinding to size, then polishing to perfection.

And lastly, rather than putting an inflated premium on the Blitz series just because they're damn good, we've made them affordable for everyone - really affordable.

All the Blitz BB series are fully certified with TUV, this makes Blitz fully compliant. Many of the Blitz range are also CE & REACH certified. Our Bio range is also certified as truly biodegradable, giving all sites and landowners the confidence they need to allow airsoft anywhere.

We are confident you will find our BBs bright, smooth, solid, perfectly polished and with superb true deviation of only 0.01mm.

Suitable for all high-end airsoft guns, in fact, Blitz BBs are suitable for every airsoft gun.

Tracer rounds were designed to assist in accuracy during the night or in low light conditions by allowing soldiers to adjust their aim, gauging off where the last shot went. Other military uses include Magazine Ammo Indicators & Target Calling.

  • Zero One is the Official UK Distributor of Zero One Blitz

Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , .2g, 01, 1000, rds, Rounds, 6mm, Airsoft, Ammo, Balls, Bb's, Bbs, Beebs, Biodegradable, Glow In The Dark, Gram, Green, Glow, Illuminating, Lightup, One, Pellets, Precision, Professional, Softair, Zero, Zero One, Zeroone, Zoa, , ZO, Blitz, Bio, BB, Tracer, 0.20g, 1000rds
Key Features...
  • Cheapest Pro BB in the UK
  • Very High Quality, Trusted BB
  • Highly Reliable Tolerance of Just 0.01mm
  • Perfectly Spherical
  • Polished Finish
  • Photoluminescent Tracer Rounds (Green Glow)
  • Fully Bio-Degradable (EN 13432)
  • 1000 Rounds
  • Resealable Easy-Open Packaging
  • TUV Rheinland (EN 13432 : 2000) Certified

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

ZO Blitz Bio BB Tracer 0.25g 1000rds (Green Glow)
ZO Blitz Bio BB Tracer 0.25g 1000rds (Green Glow)
ZO Blitz PRO BB Tracer 0.25g 1000rds (Red Glow)
ZO Blitz PRO BB Tracer 0.25g 1000rds (Red Glow)
ZO Blitz Bio BB 0.30g 1000rds (White)
ZO Blitz Bio BB 0.30g 1000rds (White)
ZO Blitz BB 0.20g 5000rds (White)
ZO Blitz BB 0.20g 5000rds (White)
ZO Blitz Bio BB Tracer 0.20g 1000rds (Green Glow)
ZO Blitz Bio BB Tracer 0.20g 1000rds (Green Glow)
ZO Blitz PRO BB Tracer 0.25g 1000rds (Red Glow)
ZO Blitz PRO BB Tracer 0.25g 1000rds (Red Glow)
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.2g011000rdsRounds6mmAirsoftAmmoBallsBb'sBbsBeebsBiodegradableGlow In The DarkGramGreenGlowIlluminatingLightupOnePelletsPrecisionProfessionalSoftairZeroZero OneZerooneZoaZOBlitzBioBBTracer0.20g1000rds
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