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Tokyo Marui Spring Mag for VSR-10 30rds - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

Was: £9.50
ON SALE:  £6.50
Great stock quantity
in stock for delivery

& available from the site shop at the next Ground Zero game.
Product ID: 2128
Tokyo Marui
Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5Rated 5/5
Average Rating 5/5 (4)

Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , Airsoft, Bar, Bar-10, Bar10, Bb Gun, G-spec, Gspec, Magazine, Mags, Pellet, Sale, Softair, Tm, Vsr, Vsr10, Tokyo, Marui, Spring, Mag, for, VSR-10, 30rds
  • On sale now! Reduced by 32% (£3.00) from the original retail price of £9.50
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Reviewed by Anthony on 05/07/2018
So you blew your wad on a sniper rifle. Do yourself a favour keep with the brand. A messy reload as a sniper will just waste all that time and effort into getting into that comfy avoid the action sleep like pose. You can get cheaper or one that holds more but seriously are you going to hit more than 30 from one position before they are all over you. Maybe if the VSR is the Upgrade. Either way Marui know how to build their kit. I like mine to slide in with just one hand. I don't even look, my eye won't move from my target. Enjoy the BBQ campers
Reviewed by David on 05/11/2015
Bought a few of these for my FN herstal spr. They feed great and sit nicely without any wobble or gaps in the stock. The price is also great compared to elsewhere.
Reviewed by Imran on 30/07/2011
Great extra mag for the TM VSR-10, fits like a dream and no problems with feeding, though other rifles of similar design such as the JG Bar-10 may have issues with this mag
Reviewed by Nicholas on 01/09/2010
Ok product from TM i get alot of double feeding from these with my JG bar 10 the stock mag which came with the gun works better then this,But this does do the job fine apart from the occasional double feed! Ok product!

AirsoftBarBar-10Bar10Bb GunG-specGspecMagazineMagsPelletSaleSoftairTmVsrVsr10TokyoMaruiSpringMagVSR-1030rds
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