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Dynatex 6209 Multishot Firing Impact Grenade - Main Image © Copyright Zero One Airsoft

Dynatex 6209 Multishot Firing Impact Grenade - Detail Image 1 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft Dynatex 6209 Multishot Firing Impact Grenade - Detail Image 2 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft Dynatex 6209 Multishot Firing Impact Grenade - Detail Image 3 © Copyright Zero One Airsoft
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Product ID: 13966
SKU: DYN-6209
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If you've been around Airsoft for a while, you'll have heard of Dynatex and their legendary products! Their reputation is well deserved and the Dynatex 6209 Multishot Firing Impact Grenade further enhances their status as THE premium Airsoft Grenade manufacturer.

The initial loading of the 6209 is simplicity itself. Firstly, unscrew the Silver Base Plate, revealing the Six Shot Magazine. Place six .209 Primer Blanks into the Magazine and re-assemble. Now for the FUN part....

Simply pull the Lockable Pull Pin and throw the 6209!! Once it's gone BANG, retrieve the 6209, loosen off the Silver Base Plate, turn the Magazine to ready the next Primer Blank, re-tighten the Base Plate, re-insert the Pull Pin and you're good to go. Unlike other Airsoft Grenades, there is no priming pin to push down, as the 6209 is detonated by the knurled, metal Trigger Head upon impact.
The 6209, indeed any of the Dynatex range, is a cost effective way to introduce a Grenade element into your loadout, as the .209 Primer Blanks are exceptionally good value when compared to the price of a single, MK5 Flashbang.

In terms of effectiveness, the 6209 will detonate on most solid/semi solid surfaces such as concrete, dirt or the forest floor, however thick grass can sometimes be too soft. As with any grenade/pyrotechnic product, always check your sites rules around their use.

Zero One Airsoft, Airsoft, Air Soft, Dorset, Hampshire, softair, , .209, Airsoft, Paintball, Bang, Bfg, Bfig, Pyro, Pyrotechnic, Multibang, boom, nade, cqb, 209, impact, 6 shot, , Dynatex, 6209, Multishot, Firing, Impact, Grenade
Tech Tips...
PLEASE NOTE: The 6209 no longer comes with the pictured 'Ball Bearing Detent' Pull Pin, instead it has Dyantex's V2 Pull Pin.
Key Features...
  • Takes .209 Shotgun Primers
  • Full Metal Construction
  • 6 Shot Primer Ring
  • Durable & Hard Wearing
  • Lockable Pull Pin (Version 2)
What's in the box...
  • Dynatex 6209 Multishot Firing Impact Grenade
  • Instruction Manual

Any technical or performance figures listed are based on a spot test we performed at a given point in time. These may vary WILDLY because of random alterations made by the manufacturer from batch to batch, gas pressure, ambient temperature, battery charge and so on. Some of the figures therefore should be treated as a very loose guide or indication only, based on the spot tests we have performed. The images and product contents listed are again based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer. If you require something specific, such as FPS, you MUST specify this at time of ordering, and take a tuning option where required.

Any images and/or product contents listed are based on a spot check we performed at a given point in time, and may differ due to changes, omissions or inclusions made by the manufacturer without notice.

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.209AirsoftPaintballBangBfgBfigPyroPyrotechnicMultibangboomnadecqb209impact6 shotDynatex6209MultishotFiringImpactGrenade
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